The pictures of the implant were made with a flat bed scanner.
The most interesting thing in my living room is a breast implant, not
a pair, just one. So, you're wondering - where, exactly, does one
obtain a non-implanted implant? Well it's like this - I've got this
friend who has a friend that works in a testing lab that just happened
to be testing breast implants, and there was this whole "extra" pallet
of breast implants.... And now I have one. I don't have it
implanted. It just sits seductively on my book shelf at home. (Actually,
I can't absolutely guarantee that it's a breast implant, but that's what
I was originally told, and everyone who's looked at it is convinced that
it couldn't possibly be anything but a breast implant. If you have
any information on this implant, please e-mail
To a lesser extent the women were also stuffing their shirts with this
thing. However, their stuffing seemed to be a little more serious.
Some were testing to see if it felt real, others assessing what it did
for their figure. But overall the women were playful. Plenty
of genuine female breasts were squeezed - it seemed that padding their
real breasts with the implant gave some women enough security to allow
selective groping of their new silicone enhanced boob. Men, of course,
encouraged this at every opportunity.
To a lesser extent the women were also stuffing their shirts with this thing. However, their stuffing seemed to be a little more serious. Some were testing to see if it felt real, others assessing what it did for their figure. But overall the women were playful. Plenty of genuine female breasts were squeezed - it seemed that padding their real breasts with the implant gave some women enough security to allow selective groping of their new silicone enhanced boob. Men, of course, encouraged this at every opportunity. The implant is fascinating in its own right. It's rather large:
any girl could gain a couple cup sizes with this thing. It's very
durable. In spite of massive abuse by drunken party-goers, it remains
unscathed. The implant is entirely transparent. Although if
you view it in good light against a white background you will see that
it has a slightly yellow tint. It has a thick rubbery shell (silicone
I assume) and it's filled with a watery substance. I'm not sure weather
the filling is saline or liquid silicone. But my guess is that it's
saline. The filling has the consistency of water - but then I don't
know what consistency liquid silicone would have, so I can only guess about
the filling. There is no air inside the implant, but the implant
is not filled to capacity - more filling could have been put into it. I
suspect that it was only filled this far to keep it soft and pleasantly
squeezable, and also to lessen the stress on the shell, thereby reducing
the chance of a rupture. If you spin it and toss it into the air
all the filling flies to the perimeter and it becomes kind of doughnut
shaped. Actually, the implant looks exactly like a giant, transparent
red-blood-cell when it's airborne.
The implant isn't just a sack of goo. It has a definite shape. If it's placed on a flat surface with the "nipple" pointing up or down it will become a round, flat disk. However, if you try to place it with the nipple pointing sideways it does not sit well. The shape becomes irregular. It is meant to lie a certain way. Just to the outside of the "areola" a number is stamped in the shell. I can't get a good scan of the number; it will require special lighting. Being an engineer, I was compelled to measure this thing and provide you with the data. I did the best I could with some make-shift apparatus in my kitchen, and I think the results are fairly accurate. |
Measurement | Metric
Units |
Units |
Units |
Mass | 653 grams | 1.44 pounds | 23.04 ounces |
Volume | 679 cc | 41.4 cubic in | 22.95 fluid oz |
Density | 0.962 g/cc | 60.13 lb/ft^3 | 0.557 oz/in^3 |
Diameter of implant * | 167 mm | 6.57 in | |
Thickness of implant * | 34.5 mm | 1.36 in | |
Diameter of "nipple" | 7 mm | 0.28 in | |
Diameter of "inner areola" | 39 mm | 1.54 in | |
Diameter of "outer areola" | 55 mm | 2.17 in |
The most interesting thing to notice is that a gal getting a pair of
these things implanted will gain about 3 pounds! The implant has
a density very close to that of water. I determined the volume by
water displacement. Because the implant is slightly less dense than
water (specific gravity of 0.962 vs. 1.000) I had to weight it down with
a glass beaker to stop it from floating. One corner kept popping
up above the surface.
As a guy who occasionally ventures into a strip joint under the pretext of male bonding, I have seen a few implant jobs. Usually they're not too hard to pick out, in fact they're awfully hard to miss. Most of the "surgically enhanced" breasts that I've seen just don't look real. They tend to be too full and too firm. Let's face it, breast tissue is mostly fat. Mammary glands (the parts of the breast that produce milk) aren't very big. A flat chested woman can produce just as much milk as a woman with natural D cups. The rest of the breast is mostly fat. Those nice full, soft, squeezable breasts you like so much are just blobs of fat. Petite women with low body fat tend to have small breasts, while heavier women tend to have larger breasts. Of course this isn't always the case, but it is the general trend. Many petite strippers with lean bodies who have C or D cup breasts have implants. Some of the B cups might be implants too. A tiny, thin frame with huge tits just doesn't occur that often naturally. Whenever I see this, I look for the obvious signs of implants: scars. Implant scars are common under each breast where the breast meets the abdomen or around the areolas. I understand that there is also a method of placing implants through an incision made in the armpit, but I don't spend too much time staring at armpits, so I've never noticed any armpit scars. The other thing I notice is the unnatural fullness and firmness of "enhanced" breasts. Natural breasts have at least a little "sag". When a woman with large natural breasts lies on her back, her breasts will flatten out a bit and fall the to sides. When she leans forward her breast will hang down away from her abdomen. When she dances they will jiggle a bit. I've seen implant enhanced breasts that don't move. No matter how the stripper dances, moves, or lies, the breasts hardly move or change shape. They're just fixed to her chest like the nose cones from a pair of rockets. These big implanted boobs just aren't the right shape. They're too round and full on the top. They really are like rocket nose cones, while real breasts are more teardrop shaped - gravity has an effect and causes a little natural sag. Just to be fair - I'm sure there are some really well done boob jobs that have completely fooled me. I'm sure there are some surgeons who do a great job. And most women don't want giant-sized boobs - I'm sure more moderate implants look more natural. Some implants may be done for purely economic reasons. Strippers,
porn stars, or models might get implants simply because it increases the
price they can demand or increases the number of work opportunities that
they have. Some breast implants are done for prosthetic reasons -
to replace a breast that had to be removed because of breast cancer or
when the two breasts differ greatly in size for natural reasons. But most
are probably done for reasons of low self-esteem. Women put themselves
under so much pressure to look good. If they don't live up to some
so-called "standard" that men, or society, or the fashion industry, or
whoever have supposedly imposed, they may feel unattractive or sexually
inadequate because their breasts are not as large as the models in Playboy's
centerfolds. It's sad to think that millions of women have put somebody
else's idea of beauty ahead of their own feelings about themselves.
Wendy Whoppers is not alone. There's a whole industry full of porn stars with impossibly huge breast implants. Just take a walk through your local adult book store or browse the adult section where you rent videos. By visiting any large adult book/video store you will see that men have
a huge range of fantasies. The diverse range of titles and subjects
you'll find are testimony to this fact. The porno industry is about
money. They're not going to publish a magazine covering some "unusual
" topic unless there is a market for it. Some guys would like nothing
more than to date a girl just like Wendy Whoppers.
I'm not a woman - I don't feel the pressures to look good that some women say is so pervasive in our culture, but fake breasts are NOT a turn on for me. I can be sexually excited by some strange things, but plastic boobs just aren't one of them. When I'm with a woman I'm content to enjoy what she has to offer - within limits of course. I've had great sex with nearly flat-chested women - and I've also had great sex with large breasted women. I've had some bad sex too; one had A-cup breasts, another had D-cups. As one of my good friends said "I don't understand guys who are into big boobs - that's just not the business end." When it comes to sex, breast size isn't that important to me, the attitude of my partner is what really makes the biggest difference ;-] |
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Copyright ©, number13, 1997-2005. |
breast implant; silicone gel; saline filled; surgery; scars; Wendy Whoppers; Tammi Ann; stripper; porn star; boobs; tits; breasts; women; breast enlargement; breast augmentation; silicone implants; silicone breast implants; silicone gel implants; breast reconstruction; rupture; cosmetic plastic surgery; breast reconstruction |
This page represents my constitutionally protected opinions. Copyright ©, number13, 1997-2005. |